Dec 8, 2014

A Tour Through Blogland

I am so thankful to actually get a chance to sit down and write a blog post!! Oh blog world how I missed you last week!  While I was taking a short break from blogging, I was nominated by the sweet Monique from Casually Chic by Monique to participate in the Tour Through Blogland.  I will be sharing a few things about Pretty Little Pursuits as well as introducing you to some amazing women and their fabulous blogs. 

Q.  What Am I Working On?

Well between navigating through the hectic last couple of weeks of school with my kiddos and the beginning stages of wedding planning, I am working on some amazing collaborations to kick off the New Year.  I won't give too much of the surprise away, but it entails a few giveaways and some amazing collaborations with other bloggers and businesses.  I will also be tackling the task of cleaning out my closet! Which means I will be selling tons of amazing pieces in my Blogger's Closet in the next few weeks for very good prices!  So keep an eye out! 

Q.  How does my work differ from others in it's genre?

I had to think about this one... I have a few pricier items in my closet (usually when it comes to accessories) but I am also a sucker for finding great pieces at even better prices.  I am working with a teacher's budget here, so I can splurge every so often for the more pricey items.  However, the majority of my tops and pants are very inexpensive but high quality.  I know how frustrating it can be to see an amazing outfit someone is rocking, and then realize everything cost about $500 dollars a piece! AHHH! Soo.. I try to post attainable fashion also while rotating out my more expensive accessory pieces.  I try to show how to build a well rounded timeless closet to save some of that M-O-N-E-Y! Oh oh, I also incorporate some DIY and beauty posts.

Q.  Why do I write/create what I do?

I have always loved everything about fashion!  I love how you can reinvent yourself everyday through your outfit choices.  And I do not have one of those jobs that allows for dressing cute on a daily basis.  Instead, I choose my work clothes by deciding which pieces are my least favorite hanging in my closet- knowing they will probably get paint, snot, food, or who knows what on them by the end of my day.  I  was in dire need of a creative fun outlet to release some stress and build some excitement in my life.  Thus, why PLP was created and why I continue to do it everyday.  Not to mention I have met some of the most amazing women through the blogging world.  In my opinion, EVERYONE should start a blog about something they are passionate about! 

Q.  How does my writing/creative process work?

During the summer (when I actually have some free time), my creative process was much more planned and calculated with dates for specific posts and scheduled posts written several days in advance.  Now it is very spontaneous!!  I am usually daydreaming about different outfits in my head, write them down, and then come home and try on my daydream creations.  If they look fabulous, I drag my sister or fiancé out of the apartment to snap some quick pictures, run back up stairs, write the post, and it usually goes live the next day.  Quite the extravagant planning/creative process right?! 

And now I nominate...

Kirby from Southern Accents

Hey y’all! My name is Kirby and I am the author of Southern Accents blog.  As a preschool special education teacher, my clothes never really come home looking like I came to work in.  Between paint, runny noses, and whatever else my kids choose to accessorize my outfit with at work, I usually end up wearing things I don’t mind getting dirty.  As a result of this, I look for any excuse to get dressed up! I’m a southern girl who loves traditional classic style, but I also am not afraid to embrace edgy trends. I’m a makeup addict as well so I often feature beauty tutorials on the blog. Southern Accents is the perfect creative outlet for me to inspire myself and other women to be comfortable in their skin and feel beautiful in practical ways.  

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